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Theologisches Seminar | Theologische und Religionswissenschaftliche Fakultät 16th Century Exegesis of Paul


RRP Database

The database RRP (Reformation Readings of Paul) intends to become the central repository of commentaries on the Pauline Epistles that were published in Latin between 1520 and 1600. The collection strategy is modular: the project starts with collecting the commentaries published within the territory of today’s Switzerland (mainly Basel, Geneva and Zurich), expands this to the broader geographical context of the Swiss Reformation (Strasbourg, Heidelberg, Tübingen, Freiburg i.Br., Constance, Lyon), and adds then further geographical areas according to the needs and interests of the project members. The database includes also historical introductions to Paul and his epistles, as well as paratexts (such as chronological tables, dedication letters, and indexes) in order to get an embracing picture of how Paul was read and taught in the 16th century.



Stefan Krauter, Manuel Nägele (eds.), Reformatorische Paulusauslegungen (History of Biblical Exegesis 5), Tübingen 2023.

Stefan Krauter, Einleitung, in: Krauter/Nägele, Reformatorische Paulusauslegungen, 1–8.

Stefan Krauter, Die Pastoralbriefe im Dienst reformatorischer und antireformatorischer Polemik bei Caspar Cruciger dem Älteren und Ambrosius Catharinus, in: Krauter/Nägele, Reformatorische Paulusauslegungen, 247–268.

Ueli Zahnd, Early Basel Readings of Romans. Wolfgang Capito and Johannes Oecolampad, in: Krauter/Nägele, Reformatorische Paulusauslegungen, 399–415.

Matteo Colombo, Stefan Krauter, Benjamin Manig, Noemi Schürmann, Ueli Zahnd, New Light on Old Perspectives: The SNFS Project "16th Century Exegesis of Paul", Early Christianity 14 (2023), 395–405.

Stefan Krauter, The Pastoral Epistles and the Jewish Paul, in: Frantisek Abel (ed.),  Receptions of Paul during the First Two Centuries. Explorations of the Jewish Matrix of Early Christianity, London 2023, 139–156.

Luca Baschera, In der «Schule göttlicher Weisheit». Zu Heinrich Bullingers Horizontbestimmung der biblischen Exegese, Zwingliana 50 (2023), 55–108.

Jeb Ralston, Between Erasmus and Augustine. Calvin's Exegesis of Original Sin in Romans 5:12–14, in: Karin Maag, Arnold Huijgen (eds.), Calvin, Exile, and Religious Refugees, Göttingen 2024, 233–244.