Göttinger Predigten

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Aktuelle Predigten


Besondere Gelegenheiten




Unsere Autoren weltweit

ISSN 2195-3171

Predigtreihe: Charles Wesley, 2007

Services celebrating the 300th anniversary of Charles Wesley’s birth, by Mellenbruch / Zersen

Remembering the birth of Charles Wesley in 1707, these worship events are provided for various

festivals on the church calendar in the fall of 2007. Wesley wrote over 6000 hymns, many of which

are cherished in all Christian denominations today.


With the differing needs of various denominations who use Goettinger Predigten in mind, the following elements have been provided for your use:


· A Template for Hymn Festivals or Orders of Worship with varied components to allow flexibility

· A series of Wesley hymns that can be used thematically for festivals or components in worship

· Six proposed Festivals for fall 2007

· Readings from Charles Wesley's Diary for use in specific festivals

· Thematic meditations on Wesley's hymns written by church musicians

· Various worship and musical elements or suggestions

· Links to various websites with Wesley history, etc.


We encourage your involvement and invite your suggestions and comments.

Mellenbruch / Zersen
Eric Mellenbruch, Organist, Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Austin, Texas

David Zersen, President Emeritus, Concordia University at Austin, Austin, Texas

