Göttinger Predigten

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Besondere Gelegenheiten




Unsere Autoren weltweit

ISSN 2195-3171

Predigtreihe: Charles Wesley, 2007


Being of beings, God of love

Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go

Let all that breathe Jehovah praise

Servant of all, to toil for man

What shall I do, my God to love

What shall I render to my God?

Being of beings, God of love,


St Agnes · Cheshire · Nun danket all und bringet Ehr

Being of beings, God of love,

To Thee our hearts we raise;

Thy all sustaining power we prove,

And gladly sing Thy praise.


Thine, wholly Thine, we pant to be;

Our sacrifice receive;

Made, and preserved, and saved by Thee,

To Thee ourselves we give.


Heav'nward our every wish aspires,

For all Thy mercy's store;

The sole return Thy love requires,

Is that we ask for more.


For more we ask: we open then

Our hearts to embrace Thy will;

Turn and revive us, Lord, again,

With all Thy fullness fill.


Come, Holy Ghost, the Savior's love

Shed in our hearts abroad;

So shall we ever live, and move,

And be, with Christ, in God.


Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go


Dickinson College · Truro · Maryton

Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go

My daily labor to pursue;

Thee, only Thee, resolved to know

In all I think or speak or do.


The task Thy wisdom hath assigned,

O let me cheerfully fulfill;

In all my works Thy presence find,

And prove Thy good and perfect will.


Preserve me from my calling's snare,

And hide my simple heart above,

Above the thorns of choking care,

The gilded baits of worldly love.


Thee may I set at my right hand,

Whose eyes mine inmost substance see,

And labor on at Thy command,

And offer all my works to Thee.


Give me to bear Thy easy yoke,

And every moment watch and pray,

And still to things eternal look,

And hasten to Thy glorious day.


For Thee delightfully employ

Whate'er Thy bounteous grace hath giv'n;

And run my course with even joy,

And closely walk with Thee to Heav'n.


Let all that breathe Jehovah praise


Old 100th · Erhalt uns, Herr · Truro

Let all that breathe Jehovah praise;

Almighty, all-creating Lord!

Let earth and Heav'n His power confess,

Brought out of nothing by His word.


He spake the word, and it was done;

The universe His word obeyed;

His Word is His eternal Son,

And Christ the whole creation made.


Jesus, the Lord and God most high,

Maker of all mankind and me!

Me Thou hast made to glorify,

To know, and love, and live to Thee.


Wherefore to Thee my heart I give,

For Thou Thyself dost give the power;

And if for Thee on earth I live,

Thee I shall soon in Heav'n adore.


Servant of all, to toil for man


St Agnes · Dundee · Caithness

Servant of all, to toil for man

Thou didst not, Lord, refuse;

Thy majesty did not disdain

To be employed for us.


Son of the carpenter, receive

This humble work of mine;

Worth to my meanest labor give,

By joining it to Thine.


End of my every action Thou,

In all things Thee I see;

Accept my hallowed labor now,

I do it unto Thee.


Thy bright example I pursue,

To Thee in all things rise;

And all I think or speak or do

Is one great sacrifice.


Careless through outward cares I go,

From all distraction free;

My hands are but engaged below,

My heart is still with Thee.


What shall I do, my God to love


St Agnes · St Botolph · St Magnus

What shall I do, my God to love,

My loving God to praise!

The length, and breadth, and height to prove

And depth of sovereign grace?


Thy sovereign grace to all extends,

Immense and unconfined;

From age to age it never ends,

It reaches all mankind.


Throughout the world its breadth is known,

Wide as infinity,

So wide it never passed by one;

Or it had passed by me.


Come quickly, then, my Lord, and take

Possession of Thine own;

My longing heart vouchsafe to make

Thine everlasting throne.


Assert Thy claim, receive Thy right,

Come quickly from above,

And sink me to perfection's height,

The depth of humble love.


What shall I render to my God


Land of Rest · St Flavian · New Britain

What shall I render to my God

For all His mercy's store?

I'll take the gifts He hath bestowed,

And humbly ask for more.


The sacred cup of saving grace

I will with thanks receive,

And all His promises embrace,

And to His glory live.


My vows I will to His great Name

Before His people pay,

And all I have, and all I am,

Upon His altar lay.


Thy lawful servant, Lord, I owe

To Thee whate'er is mine,

Born in Thy family below,

And by redemption thine.


Thy hands created me, Thy hands

From sin have set me free,

The mercy that hath loosed my bands

Hath bound me fast to Thee.


The God of all redeeming grace

My God I will proclaim,

Offer the sacrifice of praise,

And call upon His Name.


Praise Him, ye saints, the God of love,

Who hath my sins forgiven,

Till, gathered to the church above,

We sing the songs of Heaven.


