Göttinger Predigten

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Aktuelle Predigten


Besondere Gelegenheiten




Unsere Autoren weltweit

ISSN 2195-3171

Predigtreihe: Charles Wesley, 2007


Celebrate Immanuel's Name

Father, our hearts we lift

Glory be to God on high

Let angels and archangels sing

Let earth and heaven combine

Sing, ye ransomed nations, sing

Celebrate Immanuel's Name


Celebrate Immanuel's Name

the Prince of life and peace.

God with us, our lips proclaim,

our faithful hearts confess.

God is in our flesh revealed;

Heav'n and earth in Jesus join.

Mortal with Immortal filled,

and human with Divine.


Fullness of the Deity

in Jesus' body dwells,

Dwells in all His saints and me

when God His Son reveals.

Father, manifest Thy Son;

breathe the true incarnate Word.

In our inmost souls make known

the presence of the Lord.


Let the Spirit of our Head

through every member flow;

By our Lord inhabited,

we then Immanuel know.

Then He doth His Name express;

God in us we truly prove,

Find with all the life of grace

and all the power of love.


Father, our hearts we lift



Father, our hearts we lift,

Up to Thy gracious throne,

And bless Thee for the precious gift,

Of Thine incarnate Son;

The gift unspeakable,

We thankfully receive,

And to the world Thy goodness tell,

And to Thy glory live.


Jesus the holy Child,

Doth by His birth declare,

That God and men are reconciled,

And one in Him we are;

Salvation through His Name

To all mankind is giv'n,

And loud His infant cries proclaim

A peace 'twixt earth and Heav'n.


A peace on earth He brings,

Which never more shall end;

The Lord of hosts, the King of kings,

Declares Himself our Friend;

Assumes our flesh and blood,

That we His Spirit may gain;

The everlasting Son of God,

The mortal Son of man.


His kingdom from above,

He doth to us impart,

And pure benevolence and love,

O'erflow the faithful heart;

Changèd in a moment we

The sweet attraction find,

With open arms of charity

Embracing all mankind.


O might they all receive,

The new-born Prince of Peace,

And meekly in His Spirit live,

And in His love increase!

Till He convey us home,

Cry every soul aloud,

‘Come, Thou Desire of nations, come,

And take us up to God.'

Glory be to God on high


Glory be to God on high,

And peace on earth descend;

Now God comes down, He bows the sky,

And shows Himself our Friend!

God the invisible appears,

God the Blest, the Great I AM,

He sojourns in this vale of tears,

And Jesus is His Name.


Him by the angels all adored,

Their Maker and their King;

Lo, tidings of their humbled Lord

They now to mortals bring;

Emptied of His majesty,

Of His dazzling glories shorn,

Our being's Source begins to be,

And God Himself is born!


See the eternal Son of God

A mortal Son of Man,

Now dwelling in an earthly clod

Whom Heaven cannot contain!

Stand amazed, ye heavens, look at this!

See the Lord of earth and skies

Low humbled to the dust He is,

And in a manger lies!


So do the sons of men rejoice

The Prince of Peace proclaim,

With Heaven's host lift up our voice,

And shout Immanuel's Name;

Our knees and hearts to Him we bow;

Of our flesh, and of our bone,

See-Jesus is our Brother now,

And God is all our own!


Let angels and archangels sing


Meadville · Melita · Sussex Carol

Let angels and archangels sing

The wonderful Immanuel's Name,

Adore with us our new-born King,

And still the joyful news proclaim;

All earth and Heav'n be ever joined

To praise the Savior of mankind.


The everlasting God comes down

To sojourn with the sons of men;

Without His majesty or crown,

The great Invisible is seen;

Of all His dazzling glories shorn

The everlasting God is born!


Angels, behold that Infant's face,

With rapturous awe the Godhead own;

'Tis all your heav'n on Him to gaze,

And cast your crowns before His throne;

Though now He on His footstool lies,

Ye know He built both earth and skies.


By Him into existence brought,

Ye sang the all-creating Word;

Ye heard Him call our world from naught;

Again, in honor of your Lord,

Ye morning-stars your hymns employ,

And shout, ye sons of God, for joy.


Let earth and Heaven combine


Eastview · Wyngate Canon

Let earth and Heaven combine,

Angels and men agree,

To praise in songs divine

The incarnate Deity,

Our God contracted to a span,

Incomprehensibly made Man.


He laid His glory by,

He wrapped Him in our clay;

Unmarked by human eye,

The latent Godhead lay;

Infant of days He here became,

And bore the mild Immanuel's Name.


See in that Infant's face

The depths of deity,

And labor while ye gaze

To sound the mystery

In vain; ye angels gaze no more,

But fall, and silently adore.


Unsearchable the love

That hath the Savior brought;

The grace is far above

Of men or angels' thought:

Suffice for us that God, we know,

Our God, is manifest below.


He deigns in flesh t'appear,

Widest extremes to join;

To bring our vileness near,

And make us all divine:

And we the life of God shall know,

For God is manifest below.


Made perfect first in love,

And sanctified by grace,

We shall from earth remove,

And see His glorious face:

His love shall then be fully showed,

And man shall all be lost in God.


Sing, ye ransomed nations, sing


Canterbury/Song 13 · Gott sei Dank · Monkland · Savannah

Sing, ye ransomed nations, sing

Praises to our new-born King;

Son of Man our Maker is,

Lord of Hosts and Prince of Peace.


Lo! He lays His glory by,

Emptied of His majesty!

See the God Who all things made,

Humbly in a manger laid.


Cast we off our needless fear,

Boldly to His cratch draw near;

Jesus is our flesh and bone,

God-with-Us is all our own.


Let us then with angels gaze

On our new-born Monarch's face,

With the choir celestial joined,

Shout the Savior of mankind.


Son of Man, will He despise

Man's well meaning sacrifice?

No; with condescending grace

He accepts His creature's praise.


Will His majesty disdain

The poor shepherd's simple strain?

No; for Israel's Shepherd He

Loves their artless melody.


He will not refuse the song

Of the stammering infant's tongue;

Babes He hears humanely mild,

Once Himself a little Child.


Let us then our Prince proclaim,

Humbly chant Immanuel's Name;

Publish at His wondrous birth

Praise in Heaven and peace on earth.


Triumph in our Savior's love,

Till He takes us up above,

All His majesty displays,

Shows us all His glorious face.


