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Besondere Gelegenheiten




Unsere Autoren weltweit

ISSN 2195-3171

Göttinger Predigten im Internet hg. von U. Nembach
Donations for Sermons from Goettingen

First Sunday in Advent, 12/02/2007

Sermon on Matthew 24:36-44, by Walter W. Harms



It's coming, alright! And I don't mean Christmas. I mean the

"advent," the Latin word for coming-the coming of the Son of Man. He

came once, about as lowly as you can get-a helpless infant with no

prospects of having any kind of meaningful life.

When he comes again, it will be entirely different. Trumpets, shouts

of praise, angels filling the sky, the dead being raised all around us.

He will return in majesty, honor, glory and power to take to eternal

life in heaven all those who are prepared for his coming, his second



So we take time at the beginning of each new "church" year to remind

ourselves not that he came once in Bethlehem's stable, not that he

comes to us every time we hear the Good News of his rescuing us from

sin and in the Blessed Sacrament of his Body and Blood, but that he

quite literally is coming back.

There will be an end to all this, all that you see. Every physical and

material possession will in an instant become meaningless. It won't

make any difference whether you ever got an education or left high

school for whatever reason. All the "toys" we treasure-the car, the

boat, the house, the portfolio, the investments, the good retirement we

have-won't have any meaning, any worth, any attraction ever again.


Jesus' followers asked about the timing of all this and we all know how

important timing is. Get to the stores early or the bargains are gone.

The sooner you have the preparations done for whatever kind of

Christmas you intend to have are done, the sooner you can relax and

enjoy all the parties and gatherings of the season.

Timing is important. To know when all of this is going to take place

is critical to how we spend our time. Many a person has regretted not

spending more time with a loved one once they are departed, but, of

course, we didn't know the time. Think about that for a moment.


Well the news for you today is that.... No one knows the time of this

event. There is no one, well, there is one who knows, but no one on

this earth knows. Jesus says that he didn't even know when all of this

would take place. This person to whom we ascribe the loftiest titles

didn't know when he would be returning to earth.

Only the Father in heaven knows when it will happen.


This is important to remember. There have been lots of individuals,

many organizations using the term Christian in their name who have told

their followers the time of the Second coming of our Lord. One group

said that before the people in their group born in 1912 or before would

be alive when he comes. They have had to revive their schedule,

several times!

I want you to know that if anyone, anyone says they know when the Lord

of the universe is coming back, you should immediately know that they

are false prophets, and are from the dark side, the evil, the demonic

side of life. They know more than Jesus? They know more than what

Scripture says? They know more than the apostles of our Lord knew?

If you listen to these groups, the only result you will have is terror,

a total retreat from life and a brain washing that is evil.


So back to the timing. What are the conditions before the timing?

Like the days of Noah before the flood. People were having a good

time. Good food; lots of good drinks. The routine stuff of

life-birth, marriage, career, retirement at 500 years of age or less

because they lived longer back then.

The landscape of life back then could be exchanged for the landscapes

of our lives today and you know what? Except for the "modern" stuff we

have you wouldn't know the difference.

Of course, there was that crazy Noah, building that, what did he call

it? "ark" in his back yard. Phew! That had been going on for 120 years

and nothing happened. Samo, samo!

That is until that rain came. Then, of course, that ark began to

jiggle a little as the water reached it. Not long after came that

first knock, then a frantic knocking, then screams, and then deadly,

and I do mean deadly silence.

Now doesn't that just create terror in your heart? Just what I wanted

to create as I tell you about the timing of the coming of the Son of

man again.


Then there were those farmers hoeing away at the weeds which wanted to

suck up all the nutrients and moistures from the veggies and grains.

You can just see them stopping occasionally to wipe their brows, check

the time by looking at the shadows, and taking a little water from the

jugs they carried.

One stopped and looked. Well, what had happened to the neighbor in the

field just across the way? Gone! Gone, just like that!

Or the two ladies grinding grains for their tortillas. Just chatting

away about the weather, the children and grandchildren, about who was

going to marry whom, and the peccadilloes of their husbands. One turns

to add a touch more grain to the hand mill, and wonders why the mill

has stopped. The other person is gone, vanished without a trace.

Without a trace, unless you know how it will be at the second coming of

the Son of man!


How many of you take precautions today against unwanted visitors? You

know, extra locks on doors, peep holes in the doors, bars on the

windows, alarm systems, motion detectors. How many of you are cautious

about making sure the house is locked up before going to bed at night?

I can guarantee you our society has changed. Growing up, we never

locked the doors, not even when we went away from home. Now? Super

protective. Why? You never know when a thief might be coming.

Wouldn't it be scary to wake up and find someone in the house? If you

have known you would have been prepared. But, but, but you just can't

know that, can you? So we take precautions.

Like a thief breaking into a house, so will be the coming the second

time of the Son of man.


So now we have it, we don't know the age, we don't know the day, we

don't know the hour when the Lord of heaven and earth will return.

Shudder in terror, fear, hopelessness, or worse.

Just a few days ago there was a bomb threat against a mall in the Los

Angeles area. An interview of some of the shoppers discovered that

some were afraid, but most said they wouldn't let fear rule their lives

or they would never do anything. They would continue to shop until

their dropped.


Our Lord Jesus does not want us to have a blasé attitude toward his

coming back. You can count on it that he doesn't want us to be afraid,

to be in terror, or to have a sense of hopelessness because you can

have your hands folded in prayer all the time. You can think pious,

prayerful thoughts throughout the day.

So he tells us to keep watch, be ready for his return.


I don't know about you, but I know that I really wouldn't want to face

the God of the universe. I like the things I have acquired. I like my

relationship with family and friends. I don't want to give much up.

But to keep watch and be alert and awake, could not mean that every

instance of the day and night I have to be aware of God and his love

for me.

It means that I value my Jesus and what he has done for me more than

anything else. I am a sinner who fouls my own nest and often is

totally unaware of what I should be doing for my neighbors here or

around the world. I am not even sure that I would recognize sin

sometimes if it bit me.

I am basically estranged from God. I don't like God knowing what I do

or how I think, but I can't do anything about it.

So I trust that my relationship with God is always alright because I

have been baptized into Christ Jesus. All that Jesus did for me by

dying on the cross-paying my debt to God, reconciling God to me,

destroying death by entering it and breaking it and so much more-is

mine, now, all the time.

I live in a world where I did marry, do like to eat and drink, like to

work and sweat, like to acquire stuff and toys and gadgets, need to

have investments and pensions and so much more, but these are needed to

live in this world.

I am aware that all the sterling silver, fine china, crystal, cars, my

health, my wealth is not of primary importance. Jesus is my Lord and

my God.

Without him, I do not exist. Without him and what he has done and does

for me, I am a total enemy of God. Without him, I have no peace in

war, no confidence in broken health, no hope as death approaches, and

nothing to look forward to.


Today is the First Sunday in Advent in this the first Sunday of the new

Church Year. The church, you and I and all believers in Christ, take

time to reflect as we begin a year that we know not the age, the day or

the hour of his coming again.

We pause to take inventory of our priorities in this world. We pause

to keep awake to his coming again. We look at his coming with joy,

with the fulfillment of all promises he has made to us, and to the

blessed reunion with all the saints.

It's coming. We are always in the "advent" season. Ahead us looms the

dayspring from on high-the only person who gives life and hope is

coming to rescue us.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Amen




retired pastor Walter W. Harms
Austin, TX U. S. A.

E-Mail: waltpast@aol.com
