David H. Brooks

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Pentecost Eight

Pentecost Eight

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (proper 12) – July 26, 2020 | Sermon Text: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 | Pastor David H. Brooks | There is an ongoing battle that happens every summer in the suburbs. Homeowners try to grow pristine lawns, but they find their efforts thwarted by many unseen foes. You mow, fertilize, spread selective herbicides and…

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Fifth Sunday after Lent

Fifth Sunday after Lent

Sermon on John 11:1-45 | by The Rev. David H. Brooks | The Gospel of John is one of those books that seem to be just about to careen off into areas that “normal” people don’t always want to go. The late author Reynolds Price half playfully called John “The Strangest Story” as he wrote in…

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