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Department of Theology | Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion

Portrait Konrad Schmid

Konrad Schmid, Prof. Dr.

  • Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism
+41 44 634 47 22
Theologisches Seminar, Kirchgasse 9, 8001 Zurich
Room number
KIR 111

Professional Employment and Activities

2024 Heinz Heinen Fellow at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (January-February)
2023 Ethel M. Wood Lecture (King’s College London) Link zum Video
2022 Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2022 Speaker’s Lectures (Oxford)
2020/2021 Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute of Advanced Study) at Berlin

President of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (IOSOT)

2019 ERC Advanced Grant "How God Became a Lawgiver: The Place of the Torah in Ancient Near Eastern Legal History"

Humboldt Research Award

2017– Member of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation
2017–2024 President of the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer Theologie
2017 Member of the Institute of Advanced Study (Princeton) and Visiting Scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary
2016–2018 Co-Direktor of the Sinergia-Project (SNF) "The History of the Pentateuch: Combining Literary and Archaeological Approaches"
2016– Head of the Theological Seminary
2016 Tyrwhitt Lecture (Cambridge)
2014 Frederick Neumann Memorial Lecture (Princeton)
2012 McGee Lecture (Baylor)
2012–2020 President of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Protestant Faculty of Theology of the University of Vienna
2012/2013 Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and convener of the research group "Convergence and Divergence in Pentateuchal Studies: Bridging the Academic Cultures of Israel, North America, and Europe"
2008–2010 Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Zurich
2006/2007 Member in Residence, Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton (NJ)
2002– Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism at the University of Zurich
1999–2002 Professor (Associate) of Old Testament at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
1997–1999 Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich
1991–1997 Assistant, University of Zurich


1998 Habilitation, University of Zurich
1995 Dr. theol, University of Zurich
1985–1990 Studies in Theology in Zurich, Greifswald and Munich

Learned Societies

  • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orientalische Altertumswissenschaft (SGOA)
  • Deutscher Palästina-Verein (DPV)
  • Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie (WGTh)
  • Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
  • Schweizerische Theologische Gesellschaft (SThG)
  • Rudolf-Bultmann-Gesellschaft für Hermeneutische Theologie
  • Gelehrte Gesellschaft in Zürich

Editorial Boards

  • Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments (AThANT, TVZ, ZürichAThANT)
  • Archaeology and Bible (ArchBib, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen)
  • Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception (EBR, de Gruyter, Berlin / New York de Gruyter)
  • Evangelische Theologie (EvTh, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, GüterslohEvTh)
  • Forschungen zum Alten Testament (FAT I/II, Mohr Siebeck, TübingenFAT)
  • Glauben und Lernen (GlLern, Edition Ruprecht, GöttingenGlLern) (2010–2016)
  • Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel (HeBAI, Mohr Siebeck, TübingenHeBAI
    Tables of Contents: Volume 1 (2012)–4 (2015) (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Jahrbuch für Biblische Theologie (JBTh, Neukirchener, Neukirchen-VluynJBTh)
  • Journal of Ancient Judaism: Supplement Series (JAJ.S, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, GöttingenJAJ.S)
  • Journal of Biblical Literature (JBL, SBL, AtlantaJBL)
  • Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (JHSJHS)
  • Neue Theologische Grundrisse (NThG, Mohr Siebeck, TübingenNThG)
  • Oxford Bible Commentary (Hebrew Bible) (OHB, Oxford University Press, Oxford)
  • Religion und Politik (Nomos, Baden-Baden und Pano, ZürichReligion und Politik)
  • Society of Biblical Literature: Ancient Israel and Its Literature (SBL.AIL, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta)
  • Themen der Theologie (TdT, Mohr Siebeck, TübingenTdT)
  • Theologische Rundschau (ThR, Mohr Siebeck, TübingenThR)
  • Zürcher Bibelkommentare (ZBK, TVZ, ZürichZBK)


A list of the publications can be found under the following link: Publikationen

Weiterführende Informationen

How God became ...

Science Story: How God became a Lawgiver

How Konrad Schmid, Professor of Theology at the University of Zurich, researches the Hebrew Bible, what he discovers and why the findings from his ERC Project are of great significance far beyond theology.


The making of the Bible

The Making of the Bible. From the First Fragments to Sacred Scripture

Konrad Schmid and Jens Schröter

Translated by Peter Lewis

Teaserbild Podcast Making of the Bible

Podcast «New Books in History»

Podcast-Interview with Konrad Schmid and Jens Schröter about the book "The Making of the Bible. From the First Fragments to Sacred Scripture". The interview was conducted by Miranda Melcher.