Evan McClanahan

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Mark 11

Mark 11

Palm Sunday | March 24, 2024 | Mark 11 | Evan McClanahan | Our faith influences the world not in the orderly, dominant fashion we hope for, but more often in a makeshift fashion. At least, makeshift from our point-of-view. I wish it didn’t. But it does. And if Palm Sunday is any indication, it…

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Mark 13:24-37

Mark 13:24-37

Advent 1 | 03.12.2023 | Mark 13:24-37 | Evan McClanahan | Why are people afraid of the end of the world? Doesn’t sound all that bad to me. This week, I made two visits to members who are either near death or had recently died. I found out the tenant in our parsonage just left in…

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Matthew 22:15-22

Matthew 22:15-22

Proper 24, Pentecost 21 | 22.October 2023 | Matthew 22:15-22 | Evan McClanahan | For the past three weeks, we have heard harsh parables that enraged the enemies of Jesus. All three parables were told after Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, spoken in the Temple itself. Matthew records these parables one right after the other, heard…

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Matthew 16:21-28

Matthew 16:21-28

Pentecost 14, 2023 | 09/03/23 | Matthew 16:21-28 | First Lutheran, Houston | Evan McClanahan | What percentage of “Christians” are actually Christians? That is, what percentage of people who are happy to describe themselves as Christians really, you know, live the life to the standard that Jesus describes?  Well, I’m nervous just asking the…

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Matthew 13:1-9.18-23

Matthew 13:1-9.18-23

Pentecost 7 | 07.16.2023 | Mt 13:1-9,18-23 | Pastor Evan McClanahan | For my own peace of mind, I considered one of my newsletter articles being a simple listing of the top ten problems in the world. That’s just the way I think. Lists – whether they are to-do lists or just musings about the state of…

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John 7:37-39

John 7:37-39

Pentecost | Sunday, May 29 2023 | John 7:37-39 | Evan McClanahan | I want to tell you about your pet dog. He is a wonderful dog. He’s sweet. He loves to cuddle. When he nudges your feet in the morning to get you out of bed for his morning walk, you find it a…

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John 20:19-31

John 20:19-31

First Lutheran Church, Houston | Easter 2, 2023 | John 20:19-31 | Evan McClanahan | A few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to have about six high school and college students visiting with me. Or a more honest way to say it would be that they were challenging me….possibly even mocking me. Two semester of…

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John 1:1-14

John 1:1-14

Christmas Day Sermon | 25.12.22 | John 1:1-14 | Evan McClanahan | “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” Perhaps there is no more beautiful or hopeful single verse in all of scripture than John 1:5. The darkness is easy to see; it does indeed surround us. Systems break…

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Jeremiah 23:1-6, Psalm 46

Jeremiah 23:1-6, Psalm 46

Christ the King Sunday, 2022 | Nov 20, 2022 |  Jeremiah 23:1-6, Psalm 46, Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-43 | Evan McClanahan | First Lutheran, Houston Well, have you heard of the recent election? Yes, it was quite controversial, but we can now declare a winner. By the skin of his nose, Jesus was elected “King…

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Luke 17:5-10

Luke 17:5-10

Pentecost 17 | October 2, 2022 | Luke 17:5-10 (with references to 1-4) | Pastor Evan McClanahan | Our short reading from Luke 17 this morning really contains two different teachings. A reading that also included the first four verses of chapter 17 would contain three teachings. Sometimes, the Gospel authors record a story or parable…

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2 Kings, Psalms, Galater, Luke

2 Kings, Psalms, Galater, Luke

Pentecost 4 | Proper 9 2022 | 2 Kings 5:1-14, Psalm 30, Galatians 6:(1-6), 7-16, Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 | Evan McClanahan | Things were no better for Jesus and his disciples. We think we have it unusually rough due to inflation, a rise in crime, our social glue seemingly losing its grip, etc. But Jesus…

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Luke 3:14-21

Luke 3:14-21

Epiphany 3, 2022 | Psalm 19 and Luke 3:14-21 | by Evan McClanahan | Law and Gospel…If you are a lifelong Lutheran, those words should strike a familiar tone. If you are not a lifelong Lutheran…well, consider this an orientation. Knowing the importance of both – but the difference between the two – might sound easy…

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Easter 5 2021

Easter 5 2021

May 2, Easter 5 | Acts 8:26-40, Psalm 22:25-31, 1 John 4:7-21, John 15:1-8 | Evan McClanahan | First Lutheran, Houston |  Beware of pessimism! Even from among your pastors. Especially from among your pastors! Pessimism accomplishes nothing, hopes for nothing, and lives for nothing. You do not want to look back at your life…

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Pentecost Fourteen

Pentecost Fourteen

Pentecost 14 (Proper 18) – September 6, 2020 | A sermon on Matthew 18:15-20 | by Pastor Evan McClanahan, First Lutheran, Houston | Exodus 12:1-14, Psalm 149, Romans 13:8-14 Perhaps the hardest thing to do in the Church is tell someone else that they are wrong. Even harder is saying that someone has sinned against…

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Pentecost Seven

Pentecost Seven

July 19, 2020, Pentecost 7 (Proper 11) | First Lutheran, Houston | Genesis 28:10-19a, Psalm 139:1-12, 23-24, Romans 8:12-25, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 | Pastor Evan McClanahan |   Have you been canceled yet? You know, written off, memory holed, removed from existence? Treated like the invisible man or woman? If not, it’s coming. Canceling is all…

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Easter Six

Easter Six

May 17, 2020 | Easter 6 | Acts 17:22-31, Psalm 66:8-20, 1 Peter 3:13-22, John 14:15-21 | Evan McClanahan |   In Christian theology, in Christian history, and in the pages of scripture itself, there is a constant tension. It is never fully resolved, or, let’s just say people still debate the point. It has led…

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