Matthew 26:14-27:66

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Matthew 26:14-27:66

The Sunday of the Passion/Palm Sunday | April 2, 2023 | A Sermon on Matthew 26:14–27:66 | by The Rev. Dr. Ryan D. Mills |

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son +, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Why?  Why did this have to happen?

Why his being betrayed, with a kiss?

Why his being abandoned and denied by his closest friends?

Why his being judged and condemned?

Why his being beaten and insulted and mocked?

Why his being nailed to a Cross, why those long hours of dark suffering?  Why his groaning death, why his crying out “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me,” why his quick burial in that cold tomb?

Why?  This was all because of us…this was all because of you!

But why would he do all this?

Why give one last meal for his friends and followers?

Why would he serve us his own body and blood in bread and wine, and why assure us: your sins are forgiven?

Why pray, “Not my will, but thy will be done”?

Why promise us a place in his Father’s Kingdom?

Why remind us that he would go ahead of us when he is raised?

Why did he endure all things that day?

Why did he offer himself up like that?

Why his final cry of pain and victory, why did the soldier cry out “This man was God’s Son,” why did the earth shake below, and the temple curtain tear above?

Why?  Why did he do this?  This was all for you.  He did this all out of love for you.

So come and see this Holy week.  Follow him all the way to the Cross, all the way to the Tomb.  As we remember his Greatest Commandment of Love, and the total gift of himself in the bread and wine, here on Maundy Thursday.  As we watch and pray in the darkness on Good Friday.  And as we celebrate together the feast of feasts, here on Easter morning.


Come and see.  This was all for you.

And the Peace of God which passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, Amen.

The Rev. Dr. Ryan Mills

New Haven, Connecticut

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