Stephan K. Turnbull

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Apologetic 3 – Did Jesus Think He was God and Why Should You Care?

Apologetic 3 – Did Jesus Think He was God and Why Should You Care?

III. Did Jesus Think He was God and Why Should You Care? Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, welcome back again to this third week of The Case for Christ: The Trial of a Lifetime” in which we are considering the evidence for the truth about what we know about Jesus. If you’ve been with…

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Apologetic 2 – Where Did the Bible Come From?

Apologetic 2 – Where Did the Bible Come From?

II. Where Did the Bible Come From? Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury, allow me to welcome you back to our ongoing sermon series, “The Case for Christ: The Trial of a Lifetime.” I invite you again to consider the evidence that’s presented to us today, the evidence for the truth about Jesus so that…

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