Kapitel 10 / Chapter 10

Sitio / Bibel / Nuevo Testamento / 05) Hechos de los Apóstoles / Archivar por categoría "Kapitel 10 / Chapter 10"
Acts 10:34-43

Acts 10:34-43

Easter | April 12, AD 2023 | Acts 10:34-43 | Pastor Andrew F. Weisner |    Antioch Lutheran Church (North American Lutheran Church) Dallas, North Carolina Acts 10:34-43 34Then Peter began to speak to them: “I truly understand that God shows no partiality, 35but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is…

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Acts 20:17-35 & John 10:22-30

Acts 20:17-35 & John 10:22-30

4th SUNDAY OF EASTER | 05/08/22 | Sermon on Acts 20:17-35 and John 10:22-30 | by Paula Murray | When I last wrote a sermon when Good Shepherd Sunday and Mother’s Day “collided,” for want of a better word, I made mention that the pastors of liturgical churches rarely preach a “Mother’s Day” sermon.  We…

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Atos 10.34-43

Atos 10.34-43

PRÉDICA PARA O DOMINGO DE PÁSCOA | 17 de abril de 2022 | Texto bíblico: Atos 10. 34-43 | Felipe Gustavo Koch Buttelli | Igreja Pascal: Acolhedora, inclusiva e hospitaleira Que a graça do nosso irmão Jesus, o ressurreto, Deus vivo, o amor de Deus criador e mantenedor da vida e a comunhão do Espírito…

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Texto bíblico:  Atos 10.44-48 | PRÉDICA  PARA O 6º DOMINGO DA PÁSCOA – 9 de maio de 2021 | Valdemar Lückemeyer | Leituras bíblicas:  Ev.  João 15.9-17         Salmo   98       Epíst.  1.João 2.1-6 Estimadas irmãs, estimados irmãos! O livro de Atos dos Apóstolos nos relata nos primeiros capítulos o surgimento, a expansão, os desafios e as…

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Receive, Believe and Become!

Receive, Believe and Become!

Acts 10:34-48 | Easter 6-B  May 9, 2021 | by Paul C. Sizemore | One of the questions people often ask is why did God choose the Jewish people to be his very own special people; especially when there were so many other different “people groups” (or ethnicities) alive in this world at that time,…

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Göttinger Predigten im Internet, hg. von Ulrich Nembach und Johannes Neukirch Ostersonntag Ostersonntag 4. April 1999 Easter (C) Acts 10, 34, 37-43; 1 Cor 5, 6-8; Jn 20, 1-9 Robert P. Waznak, Holy Trinity Parish, Georgetown, Washington, DC, USA Easter (C) Acts 10, 34, 37-43; 1 Cor 5, 6-8; Jn 20, 1-9 Robert P. Waznak, Holy Trinity…

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Apostelgeschichte 10, 33b.34a.36-43

Apostelgeschichte 10, 33b.34a.36-43

  Göttinger Predigten im Internet hg. von Ulrich Nembach und Johannes Neukirch Ostermontag, 1. April 2002 Apostelgeschichte 10, 33b.34a.36-43, verfaßt von Hartmut Jetter Text: Der römische Hauptmann Cornelius spricht, zu Petrus gewandt: Nun sind wir alle hier vor Gott versammelt, um das zu hören, was dir vom Herrn aufgetragen ist. Petrus aber tat seinen Mund…

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Apostelgeschichte 10, 34a.36-43

Apostelgeschichte 10, 34a.36-43

  Göttinger Predigten im Internet hg. von Ulrich Nembach und Johannes Neukirch Ostermontag, 1. April 2002 Apostelgeschichte 10, 34a.36-43, verfaßt von Christian Tegtmeier Liebe Gemeinde! Es gab jemanden, der sich Ostern ganz persönlich im Kreise seiner Familie ansagen ließ, dabei ein Zeugnis des Predigers erwartete, das über die Allgemeinplätze frommer Reden und religiöser Einsichten hinausging….

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Apostelgeschichte 10, 34a.36-43

Apostelgeschichte 10, 34a.36-43

  Göttinger Predigten im Internet hg. von Ulrich Nembach und Johannes Neukirch Ostermontag, 1. April 2002 Apostelgeschichte 10, 34a.36-43, verfaßt von Johannes Neukirch Apostelgeschichte 10, 34a.36-43 Petrus tat seinen Mund auf und sprach: Gott hat das Wort dem Volk Israel gesandt und Frieden verkündigt durch Jesus Christus, welche ist Herr über alle. Ihr wißt, was…

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Atos 10, 34-43

Atos 10, 34-43

1° Domingo após Epifania, 09/01/2005 Atos 10, 34-43, Horst Kuchenbecker Observações exegéticas. – O apóstolo Pedro faz duas afirmações uma sobre Deus e outra sobre o Evangelho. a) Deus não faz acepção de pessoas. Por ser de nacionalidade judaica, não dá preferência aos judeus em detrimento dos gentios, nem considera os méritos de uma pessoa….

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Acts 10:44-48

Acts 10:44-48

The Sixth Sunday of Easter, 21 May 2006 A Sermon on Acts 10:44-48 (RCL) by Samuel D. Zumwalt Acts 10:44-48 [NRSV Text from BibleWorks] 44 While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word. 45 The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astounded that the gift of…

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Hechos 10:44-48

Hechos 10:44-48

Predicación para el 6º domingo de Pascua, 21 de mayo de 2006 Texto según LET serie B: Hechos 10:44-48 por David Manzanas Hoy querría que pusiéramos nuestra mirada en un acontecimiento que marcó la vida de la Iglesia Cristiana. Nos lo transmite Lucas en su relato del libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. En…

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Atos 10.34-38

Atos 10.34-38

Primeiro Domingo Depois de Epifania – 7 de Janeiro de 2007 Série Trienal C – At 10.34-38 – Nivaldo Schneider e Silvio F. Silva Vamos levar Cristo para todos Quem você quer levar a Jesus nesse ano? Um amigo? Um parente? Um colega de trabalho? Um colega de escola? Você está consciente que devemos levar…

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