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2011-2016 |
PhD in Theology and Religion Durham University, UK |
2010-2011 | MA in Theology and Religion Durham University, UK Thesis Title: ‘Identity of the Valiant Woman in Proverbs 31:10-31’ Supervisor: Prof. Walter Moberly |
2007-2010 | MDiv Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS), USA Research Papers: ‘Poetic and Thematic Patterns in Proverbs 9’, supervised by Prof. Willem VanGemeren; ‘Reshaping of the Evangelical Revival and Its True Marks’ supervised by Prof. Douglas Sweeney |
2001-2003 | MSc in Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), South Korea |
1996-2001 | BA in Avionics Korea Aerospace University (HAU), South Korea |
2016-2017 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Universität Zürich, Swiss(September 2016-August 2017) |
2016 | External Lecturer (Hebrew Bible) in Pierson School of Theology, Pyeongtaek University, South Korea |
2015-2016 | Lecturer (Hebrew Bible; Biblical Studies), New Wave Academy, South Korea
Editor (the Old Testament) in New Wave Publisher, South Korea |
2014 | Research Assistant to Prof. Chris Cook in Durham University, UK |
2013 | Research Assistant to Prof. Alec Ryrie in Durham University, UK |
2013 | Education Pastor, King’s Cross Korean Presbyterian Church in London, UK |
2011-2012 | Youth Pastor, Newcastle Korean Dream Church in Newcastle, UK |
2010 | Pastor for Children Ministry, Grace and Truth Korean Church in Vernon Hill IL, USA |
2008 | Youth Pastor, Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Chicago IL, USA |
2003-2006 | Associate Research Engineer, SAMSUNG Corporation S1 Research Centre in Seoul, South Korea |
My main interest is the Israelite and Jewish scribal culture in the Hebrew Bible. I am also interested in "intertextuality" in ancient Near Eastern texts including Jewish writings, not in the concept of literary reference. Particularly, I have been focusing on the literary and historical relationship between the book of Job and Deuteron-Isaiah, and at present I am mostly writing articles about connections between Job and Torah/Ecclesiastes. My next project is about the change of Wisdom texts from the Persian period and to the Hellenistic period and also will study various voices of Isaiah (Proto-, Deutero-, Trito-) in comparison with Torah.