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Healthcare Chaplaincy as Specialised Spiritual Care. The Christian Call for Healing in a Global Health Context
Simon Peng-Keller
Is healthcare chaplaincy a health profession? This book argues that it is. It is a plea for Christian healthcare chaplaincy to be practiced as a form of specialized spiritual care, and to be understood anew within the horizon of the Christian call for healing. Only in close cooperation with other healthcare professionals, it is argued, can healthcare chaplaincy fulfil its mission and promote encompassing and evidence-based care for patients and their relatives. And only by recentering on their spiritual resources, can Christian healthcare chaplains contribute in their own unique way to healing processes and to coping with illness, dying, and grief.
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The Spirit of Global Health. The World Health Organization and the ‹Spiritual Dimension› of Health, 1946-2021
Simon Peng-Keller, Fabian Winiger und Raphael Rauch
Since the beginning of the World Health Organization, many of its staff members, regional offices, member states, and directors-general have grappled with the question of what a ‹spiritual dimension› of health looks like, and how it might enrich the health policies advocated by their organisations. Contrary to the wide-spread perception that ‹spirituality› is primarily related to palliative care and has emerged relatively recently within the organisation, this study shows that its history is considerably longer and more complex, and has been closely connected to the WHO's ethical aspirations, its quest for more holistic and equitable healthcare, and its struggle with the colonial legacy of international health organisations.
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Um den Wissensaustausch zwischen amerikanischen und deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftler:innen und Praktizierenden im Gebiet der Teleseelsorge zu fördern, hat das Projekt 11 eine zweisprachige Webseite zum Thema Teleseelsorge («telechaplaincy») entwickelt.
Weiteres dazu im Blog der Transforming Chaplaincy-Initiative
Im Rahmen des Projekts «Die spirituelle Dimension in der Schmerzbehandlung» sind ein Leitfaden zur Integration spiritueller Aspekte in die multimodale Schmerztherapie und ein Begleitheft mit Erläuterungen, Fragekatalog und Hilfsmitteln entstanden.
Simon Peng-Keller hat zusammen mit anderen Forschern ein neues Internetportal errichtet, um die seelsorgliche Arbeit im Kontext der COVID-19-Pandemie zu unterstützen. Neben der laufend aktualisierten Handreichung «Die Corona-Pandemie als Herausforderung für Spiritual Care. Hinweise für Seelsorger:innen» finden Sie weitere Texte und Erfahrungsberichte, die für die seelsorgliche Arbeit relevant sind.