01) Matthäus / Matthew

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Matthæus 5,20-26

Matthæus 5,20-26

6.søndag efter trinitatis | 16.07.2023 | Matthæus 5,20-26 | Leise Christensen | Hvad er synd? Forleden var jeg til fødselsdag hos en nu 83-årig kvinde. Det var rigtigt hyggeligt, kaffen blev drukket under megen snak og latter, og dagens forskellige emner blev taget op til diskussion og endevending. Vi nåede da også frem til det…

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Mateus 13.1-9, 18-23

Mateus 13.1-9, 18-23

PRÉDICA  PARA O 7º DOMINGO APÓS PENTECOSTES | 16.07.2023 | Mateus 13.1-9, 18-23 | Eloir Enio Weber | Que a graça e a paz do Deus que é Pai, Filho, Espírito Santo esteja conosco e que essa presença nos dê a esperança de que as boas sementes lançadas por ele germinem em nossa vida. Você gosta…

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Matthäus 5,20-26

Matthäus 5,20-26

6.Sonntag nach Trinitatis | 16.07.2023 | Mt 5,20-26 (dänische Perikopenordnung) | Leise Christensen | Was ist Sünde? Neulich war ich bei einem Geburtstag von einer 83 Jahre alten Frau. Es war richtig gemütlich, der Kaffee wurde getrunken bei viel Gespräch und vielem Lachen, und die verschiedenen Themen des Tages wurden aufgenommen und diskutiert. Wir kamen…

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Romans 7.15-25a,

Romans 7.15-25a,

6th Sunday after Pentecost [Proper 9] | 9 July 2023 | Rom 7.15-25a, Mt 11.16-19, 25-30 | Richard O. Johnson | I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate. Now if I do what I do not want, I agree that…

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Matthew 10:40-42

Matthew 10:40-42

5th Sunday a. Pentecost | 07/02/23 | Matthew 10:40-42 | Brad Everett | You’re not on your own. That’s the essence of the three verses Jesus concludes his instructions to the disciples with before sending them out. You’re not on your own. A cliched phrase perhaps, but it can mean the world to someone venturing into uncharted territory…

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Mateus 10.40-42

Mateus 10.40-42

PRÉDICA PARA O 5 º DOMINGO APÓS PENTECOSTES | 2 DE JULHO DE 2023 | Texto bíblico: Mateus 10.40-42 | Paulo Einsfeld | Que a graça de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo esteja com todos nós. Amém. Estamos na época litúrgica após Pentecostes.  Jesus prometera o Auxiliador que daria coragem e poder aos discípulos para serem testemunhas mundo…

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Matthew 10:40-42

Matthew 10:40-42

Pentecost 5 | 02.07.2023 | St. Mt 10:40-42 | Ryan Mills |  [Jesus said to the twelve:] 40“Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. 41Whoever welcomes a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward; and whoever welcomes a righteous person in the name…

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Matthew 10:24-39

Matthew 10:24-39

Pentecost 4A | June 25, 2023 | Mt 10:24-39 | Judson F Merrell, STS | 24 „A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. 25 It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul,…

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Mateo 9, 35 – 38

Mateo 9, 35 – 38

Sermón para 4º domingo después de Pentecostés | 25 junio 2023 | Texto: Mateo 9, 35 – 38 (Leccionario Ecuménico, Ciclo “A”) | Federico H. Schäfer | Estimadas hermanas, estimados hermanos: Si bien no quiero comenzar con ustedes una plática sobre política, sí quiero señalar lo siguiente: El desarrollo político de nuestro país en los…

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Mateus 9. 35-10.8

Mateus 9. 35-10.8

PRÉDICA PARA O 3. DOMINGO APÓS PENTECOSTES – 18.06.2023 | Mateus 9. 35-10.8 | Marcos Aurélio de Oliveira | “A graça do Senhor Jesus Cristo, e o amor de Deus, e a comunhão do Espírito Santo sejam com todos vós.” 2 Coríntios 13.13. Amém. Prezada comunidade! Irmãos e irmãs! Liturgicamente hoje estamos no terceiro domingo…

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Matthew 9: 35-10:23

Matthew 9: 35-10:23

PENTECOST 3 | JUNE 18, 2023 | Matthew 9: 35-10:23 (RCL) | David Zersen | 35Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed…

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Matthew 9:35—10:8 [9-23]

Matthew 9:35—10:8 [9-23]

The 3rd Sunday a. Pentecost | 18 June 2023 | Mt 9:35—10:8 [9-23] | Paul Bieber | Matthew 9:35—10:8 [9-23] Revised Standard Version 35 Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every infirmity. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had…

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Matthew 9:9-13 (Acts 13:1-3)

Matthew 9:9-13 (Acts 13:1-3)

2nd Sunday after Pentecost | June 11, 2023 | Mt 9:9-13 (also Acts 13:1-3) | Dave Brooks | Today, our liturgical calendar has offered us an opportunity, for today is both the Second Sunday after Pentecost and the Feast of St. Barnabas. Two disciples for the price of one! The Scripture passages for both these…

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Matthew 28:16-20

Matthew 28:16-20

Holy Trinity Sunday | June 4, 2023 | Mt 28:16-20 | Paula Murray | 16The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. 17And when they saw Him they worshiped him, but some doubted. 18And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has…

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Mateus 28. 16-20

Mateus 28. 16-20

PRÉDICA PARA 0 1º DOMINGO APÓS PENTECOSTES | 4 de junho de 2023 | Texto bíblico: Mateus 28. 16-20 | Harald Malschitzky | Irmãs e irmãos em Cristo, querida comunidade. Conta-se que em uma cidade não muito grande, onde todos se conhecia em boa parte,  havia uma fábrica de sabão de respeito. O dono da…

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Mateo 21,14-17

Mateo 21,14-17

Sermón para 5º domingo de Pascua (Cantate) 2023 | Texto Mateo 21, 14 – 17  (Leccionario de la EKD, Serie III) | Federico H. Schäfer | Estimadas hermanas, estimados hermanos: El relato escuchado nos ubica en la conocida polémica entre Jesús y los sacerdotes y maestros de la ley judíos, aunque los biblistas actuales dicen, que…

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Matthew 28:1-10

Matthew 28:1-10

Easter Day | April 09, 2023 | Matthew 28.1-10 | Richard O. Johnson | After the sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. And suddenly there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled…

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Mateus 28.1-10

Mateus 28.1-10

Prédica para o Domingo de Páscoa | 09.04.2023 | Mateus 28.1-10 | Hans Alfred Trein | Querida Comunidade, Corpo de Cristo, Nenhum dos evangelhos narra a ressurreição propriamente dita. Não são reportagens jornalísticas. Ninguém assistiu ao evento! São testemunhos de fé. A fé é a certeza das coisas que não se veem. Os evangelhos nos trazem…

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Mateus 27. 32-50

Mateus 27. 32-50

PRÉDICA PARA SEXTA-FEIRA | SANTA 7 DE ABRIL DE 2023 | Mateus 27. 32-50 | Felipe Gustavo Koch Butelli | Que a graça de Jesus, Deus encarnado e crucificado, o amor de Deus e a comunhão do Espírito de Cristo estejam com vocês. Amém. Caras irmãs e caros irmãos em Cristo, A sexta-feira da paixão…

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Matthæus 26,17-30

Matthæus 26,17-30

Skærtorsdag | 06.04.2023 | Matthæus 26,17-30 | Marianne Christiansen | I mørket sidder de og synger.  Alle disse mennesker om bordet, som ikke kan sige om sig selv: ”Jeg ved om mig selv, at jeg aldrig kunne forråde min ven og mester. Aldrig kunne jeg forråde, hvad jeg tror på”.  Hver og en må spørge: ”Det er…

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Matthäus 26,17-30

Matthäus 26,17-30

Gründonnerstag | 06.04.2023 | Mt 26,17-30 (dänische Perikopenordnung) | Marianne Christiansen | Im Dunkeln sitzen sie und singen. Alle diese Menschen um den Tisch, die nicht von sich selber sagen können: „Ich weiß von mir selber, dass ich meinen Freud und Meister niemals verraten könnte. Niemals könnte ich das verleugnen, woran ich glaube“. Jeder einzelne muss…

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Mateus 21.1-11

Mateus 21.1-11

PRÉDICA PARA O DOMINGO DE RAMOS | 2 DE ABRIL DE 2023 | Texto bíblico: Mateus 21.1-11 | Nilo Christmann |          Estimados irmãos e estimadas irmãs!          Que a graça do Senhor Jesus Cristo, o amor de Deus, o Pai, e a comunhão do Espírito Santo estejam com todos nós.          “Saiu melhor que a encomenda!”…

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Matthäus 21,1-9

Matthäus 21,1-9

Palmarum | 02.04.2023 | Mt 21,1-9 | Leise Christensen | Wenn man irgendeine Zeitung in die Hand nimmt und darin liest, wird man sehen, dass die Welt in den letzten Wochen von neuen Problemen im Kongo gelesen hat, schreckliche Szenen des Massakers in Bahkmut, man hat gehört vom Erdbeben in der Türkei und in Syrien, man hat…

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Matthæus 21,1-9

Matthæus 21,1-9

Palmesøndag | 02.04.2023 | Matthæus 21,1-9 | Af Leise Christensen | Hvis man tager en tilfældig avis og læser i den, vil man se, at verden i de seneste uger har læst om fornyede problemer i Congo, set afsindige scener fra kødhakkeren i Bahkmut, hørt om jordskælvsofre i Tyrkiet og Syrien, set oprivende scener ved forskellige landes…

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Mateo 21, 1 – 17

Mateo 21, 1 – 17

Sermón para domingo de Ramos | 02.04.2023 | Mateo 21, 1 – 17  | Federico H. Schäfer | Texto Mateo 21, 1 – 17  (Leccionario Ecuménico, Ciclo “A”)                                 (Culto con bautismo) Estimadas hermanas, estimados hermanos: Hoy festejamos Domingo de Ramos. Pero, ¿Qué es esto del Domingo de Ramos?  Pues es una antiquísima tradición cristiana que tiene…

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Matthæus 15,21-28

Matthæus 15,21-28

2. søndag i faste | 05.03.23 | Matthæus 15,21-28 | Laura Lundager Jensen | Det er svært ikke at tale om vigtigheden af grænser, her godt et år siden Putin gik over grænsen ind i Ukraine, og hvor krigens grænser siden har bevæget sig frem og tilbage i skrækindjagende bølger. Grænser er gode til at holde…

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Matthäus 13,21-28

Matthäus 13,21-28

Reminiszere | 05.03.23 | Matthäus 13,21-28 (dänische Perikopenordnung) | Laura Lundager Jensen | Es fällt schwer, nicht davon zu reden, wie wichtig es ist, Grenzen zu haben, hier gut ein Jahr, nachdem Putin die Grenze zur Ukraine überschritten hat und wo sich die Grenzen des Krieges hin und her bewegt haben in Schrecken erregenden Wellen….

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Matthæus 4,1-11

Matthæus 4,1-11

Første søndag i fasten | 26.02.2023 | Matthæus 4,1-11 | Anders Kjærsig | Fristelser og motiver fra hverdagen. Aforismer skrevet hen over teksten til 1. søndag i fasten 1. tekstrække Hver dag kikker jeg op mod himlen, hvert sekund kikker himlen ned på mig. Jeg tror ikke på kærlighed, fordi kærlighed er relationsløst. Den er en platonisk…

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